Monday 2 January 2017

Throttle Body Coolant Bypass - Suzuki Swift K12M

All it takes is some 30mins of your time with some elbow grease and coolant on your hands. Its a Zero Paisa modification; so nothing to complain about. An engine produces best output with colder air which is denser as there are oxygen molecules to burn!

Coolant passing through throttle body has benefits in regions with colder climate as it will prevent the butterfly from sticking due to freezing. In our tropical climate i see no reason why the TB needs to be warmed up as it doesn't help in performance and it doesn't get anywhere close to freezing here.

In our hot and humid climate this mod will not hurt the performance of the engine, an engine makes the most when it gets cold air. There is no Dyno report anywhere on the Internet stating that this mod made less power than stock, but there are Dyno reports which proves this mod did help make some power.

Eg: 1)

6BHP reported in the second link is marginal gain, but the small Suzuki engine will not give a 6 horse gain, but even if its nothing much a gain is a gain and this is a free mod.

Warning: Do this when the engine is cold! You don't want scalding hot coolant all over you!
Remove the air cleaner box from the car, it will give you better access to the coolant entry point on the throttle body

Using a pliers clamp down on the legs of the clip, securing the hose to the throttle body inlet, and move the clip back

The top coolant entry hose is removed from the throttle body. Remove it from main coolant pipe as well. Coolant exit hose remains. Remove the coolant exit hose from the throttle body.

Connect the coolant exit hose into the main coolant pipe from where you have removed the coolant entry pipe.

Throttle body is now bypassed from the coolant flow. You may choose to cover the coolant inlet nipples using silicone caps or something similar, but its not at all necessary.

I have noticed a slight difference in pulling power (torque) after this mod, i can feel that the car is pulling slightly sronger than before in off idle and midrange. I noticed this difference right after this was done itself, but I wanted to wait for a few days and confirm it before i post it.

With advanced ignition there was a slight pinging on very hot days, now surprisingly with no other mod done the engine doesn't ping under similar conditions. This one finding is enough for me to confirm that its good to have the throttle body bypassed!

Update 12th June 2013:

Maruti Suzuki themselves removed coolant circulation through the throttle body in the new petrol swifts rolling out of the factory from 2013.

Below is the picture of the throttle body of a colleague's May 2013 Maruti Swift VXI. There is no coolant circulated through the throttle body of this Swift and there is no T on the main coolant pipe to divert the coolant to TB and there is no return pipe for the coolant from the TB. The inlet and outlet on the TB remains.

2013 Maruti Suzuki Swift VXI throttle body with no coolant pipes


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